Sunday, August 24, 2008

more pics from Sabah

Here are more pics from the Sabah EDYC 2008 camp..

Pictures here are for the benefit of those hasnt been to to those who knows the place better than me, please bear with me..

Being one of the workshop speakers and worship leader, got the privilege of getting my own room. It's as small as my KL house but it has air con. Sweet.

This is what you get when you join the camp...a nice t-shirt, nametag and a booklet.. proud a little to see my ugly face(i circled it there) there in the booklet. lol.

Now this is where i stayed. I shared my so-called apartment with my fellow workshop speaker, Jack Wong, the Snake@Des, and Ps Khee Vun. It actually host all the fulltime staff working there..

Another view of it..

Near my building, there is the basketball court and a futsal size field. Good spot for sports.

That building hosted the meeting hall, hosted some workshop sessions and few rooms for male campers to sleep.

The side angle of the building..the entrance there leads you to the main hall that host the camp..

Wisma Anglican. The main office of the Sabah Diocese.

If you walk into their lobby, they have a gallery of churches associated with the Sabah Diocese. Notice FCC building there.

The meeting place. Hosanna Hall. Not many people notice this..actually our main FCC hall is based entirely on this hall. Yes, if you come into this hall, the look and setup looks somewhat similar to the main FCC hall. Even some of the sound equipments is the same equipments we use here in FCC. haha.

I use this belongs to Ps. Sng. Takamine guitar. Nice but sometimes it runs out of tune easily.

The Cathedral.

The pavillion which host all the campers' meal..

ermm..Gracy, the camera is in front...haha..she did tat on purpose..

You can check my Facebook album for more pictures actually..haha..

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