Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Deadpool. Dead awesome.

Aside from the infamous Malaysian piece of news that has been going around social media, where this guy went on nation papers to complain about the R-Rated movie and get laughed at by everyone, the movie is pretty much for comic geeks like me.

And it's fun all the way. Comic geeks like me would appreciate the humour very much.

Back to that Malaysian guy, come on and get a life. Research a bit about the movie, will ya?

It's interesting to note about how this movie came about. From a project that couldn't take off, and thanks to social media, we are now enjoying it on silver screen.

Clearly Ryan Reynolds enjoyed his outing in the movie. I must credit the scriptwriters for all the tongue-in-cheek jokes.

Post credit scene is just for fun. Nothing earth shaking stuff but still fun.

8/10 for me.

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