Wednesday, June 18, 2008


watcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you??'s a wrong was uttered by a legendary WWE wrestler Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan..

okok..we are not here to talk about wrestling or WWE..i m here to talk about the green mean machine..nicknamed the Green Goliath by Marvel fans..a man who has serious issue when it comes to anger management..'s another Marvel comic adaption and boy, this Hulk movie is way way better than the other version few years ago done by Ang Lee. This movie makes that version like some kiddie flick..yea..this version is smashing good..

Seriously every aspect of the movie is way better than Ang Lee's version. This Hulk look 'handsomely' crafted compare to the so-so CG-generated look in the AL's version. Plot..storywise..i would say it's well done.

The highlight would be the smackdown feast between Hulk and Abomination. Special credit should be given to the special effects team for making that fight scene so surreal and awesome.

Few movie facts..
* Stan Lee, for the umpteen time, appears again..this time as unfortunate victim of 'food poisoning'..haha..

* The actor who plays the Hulk in the 80s TV series had a cameo role in the the university security guard. He also actually voiced the Hulk in this movie.

* Liv Tyler succeds Jennifer Connelly in the role of Betty Ross. It's a good casting as they look kinda alike. Honestly I read somewhere that both actress actually acted together as sisters in some old movie which is quite some time ago.

* SPOILER AHEAD : i remember in my post about Iron Man movie few weeks ago, i mention Tony Stark will make a cameo scene here and yea, indeed it did. I read rumours that Marvel would be making an Avengers movie. My first impression was man, it would be terms of production-wise, how they gonna pay actors to reprise those roles. In case you duno, Avengers is a bunch of superheroes-type of gathering. Of coz, in fans' view and all, it's like the wildest dream of anyone comes true.

For me, thumbs up to the movie. Marvel gets the Hulk franchise right this time.

Cant wait for the next Marvel movie then.. :P

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