Sunday, January 6, 2013

social network

If i have to say it out honestly, the moment you signed up for any type of social media, as much as we want it..there's no such thing as privacy.

Sure.. you didn't read the terms and condition when signing up. Just check the button and .. wah an account. 

Sure.. why keep posting things (feelings or pictures) if you want privacy?

Honestly, i don't get the hoo ha that some people sharing on their FB status about wanting some privacy. Ranting their privacy invasion about their things in life.

Then first place, why sign up for social media???

They should understand why social media exist. Heck, please watch Social Network, get to know why Mark started Facebook.

Practice responsibility and maturity online please. Sure, there's no written rules but I think we can play a part in making cyber world a better place.

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